Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Last Post?

It has been a busy three months…

- in January we had a retreat and seminar for Loron Bible teachers here in Burkina Faso;
- In February Marina and I travelled to Banfora, Burkina Faso and Marina trained a group of literate Komono folks how to teach Komono people how to read and write;
- also in February we had a Bible conference with 300 Loron believers in Gogo, Ivory Coast;
- during February and March we visited all 9 locations where 160 students are learning how to read and write in Loron;
- over the past couple of weeks we distributed little solar-powered radios which are fixed-tuned to the local Christian radio station to around 300 Loron families in 9 villages in Burkina.
- and in between all that, we made numerous weekend trips into Ivory Coast to visit most of the Loron churches

We want to say a huge thank you to all who have prayed, given and helped in so many ways so that we could continue the ministry among the Loron people from Burkina Faso.

We are so grateful to the Lord for all that has been accomplished over the past two years or so among the Loron: for more printed Scriptures; for the new literacy schools; for the evangelism opportunities among the Loron in Burkina; and for the growth in numbers and maturity of the Loron believers in Ivory Coast.

This may be our last post from Burkina Faso. We have closed up our house in Gaoua, and we have returned to Northern Ireland for the rest of the year.

In January 2009, we are hoping to be able to go back to Ivory Coast to continue the work among the Loron people in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso from there.